The proximity to Lake Volta makes safe that all fields are supplied with water by means of a pumping system. In the last years all farm emplyoeer could deepen their expertise in growing Pineapple and Papaya. The main varity of Pineapple is MD2. Furthermore Tropigha Farms growth Sugar Loaf and Queen Victoria as organic Pineapple.
Papaya is the other main fruit which is growing with the varities Golden and Solo. While the Pineapple MD 2 will supply to a ghanaian Fresh Cut Fruit Factory in the Central Region, the Papaya and organic products will export direct to Europe. They will sell to the major retail companies in Germany.
The complete growing process is lead on the think of sustainability: so for example for Papaya growing Tropigha use Legominoses. These contribute in a natural way to the fertility of the soil. The fixing of nitrogen can achieve until 100kg/ha per month. The farm management around the director Helmut Lutz initiate several kind of sustainable projects in farming. For the Ginger production Tropigha use the Papaya tree to get shadow on a natural way. One further example: after harvesting the Pinepapple fields will prepare on a natural way. Compared to other methods Tropigha Farms don‘t use pesticides for that. The field only is plowed, so that the remnants of the plant and its roots come out of the soil. This protects the soil in a natural way and thus prevents diseases.
On the other site Tropigha offers the whole staff every day a warm lunch for free in an own cantine. All these is a part on the way to reach more sustainability and to bind the workers at the company.
Based on this philosophy Tropigha Farms is certified on GlobalG.A.P (Good Arigiculture Practise), on GRASP, a certificate that approbiates to keep global social standards for the company. As well as Tropigha Farms is also certified on organic level.
Our plans for the future
The future biggest challenge ist o find qualified people to do the jobs in farming and maintainance. So Helmut Lutz has had the idea in a first step to build a farm-own Kindergarten for the female workers. While the ladies are working the children will playful learn things about farming and enviroment. In a second step Tropigha Farms would like to train the youth people for its self in both agricultural and technical professions. This contributes to securing young talent on the farm as well as to maintaining and expanding jobs in the region.